Friday, January 21, 2011

Congratulations.....for what?

So ever since we have made public that we are attempting IVF/PGD again, I have had a bunch of people tell me "Congratulations!" Now I know they mean well, and their kindness is very appreciated, but I must admit I kind of chuckle inside every time I hear that. Telling me "Congratulations" at this point in the process feels very much like telling someone who is entering a talent competition "Congratulations!" before they have even competed!  I suppose you could be congratulating them on their courage to even enter the competition, but still, it isn't quite what one would expect to be wished at the very beginning. 

So the next time you find out someone is going on an IVF journey, try saying, "Good Luck," "Bonne Chance," "Buena Suerte," or "Best Wishes."  Then hopefully at the end of the process there will plenty of reason to offer your warmest "Congratulations." :) 


The Nortys 6 said...

Congratulations... on..on..Well, ya know, trying to have a baby? ;) Yeah, kindof funny. :) Well, I will say good luck!

Alison Westermann said...

So, I think we're living the same life! Hubby and I are both delta f 508 carriers, didn't find out till middle of first pregnancy (son is not even a carrier - can we say miracle baby?) And now that he's 2.5 we want to try for baby #2.

We started the PGD process with a clinic in Florida (I fly there in a week for sono-HSG and counseling about giving myself shots, etc) and I am just freaking out on the inside while on the outside everyone says good luck and I smile and try not to think about the expense... because the PGD part isn't covered by insurance even though IVF is.

Ok, enough ranting for tonight! I'm just glad to have found you and this blog.

Annie B said...

Just dropping by. You are the first blog I have EVER found of someone who walked the same path as me - pgd to avoid CF (well, we had another disease thrown in their too...). I was so shaken by the process that we adopted for baby #2. Best of luck with your next round of pgd; I hope it goes well.

Livvy said...

Sorry I didn't get to the comments sooner....I didn't realize I had to go in and publish them before they showed up...

To The Knitting Bea: Awesome that you are getting the IVF part paid for! My best advice is to stay as calm as possible, because I really do believe stress hormones negatively affect things. Try to focus on the positive...we may have a harder time getting embryos to transfer (because "healthy" ones get knocked out by genetics,) but because we are not actually suffering from infertility, our chances of the embryo "sticking" are much better. :)

To Sarah B: Thanks for your best wishes, they are sincerely appreciated. Interesting how everyone can react so differently to things. We considered adoption, but that is just a road I can't go down (at least right now.) But I am so very, very grateful for the PGD option!

To Nortys: Thanks for the good seems to be working for you!

Thanks for the comments...I welcome them! (And now that the process is really starting, I will be checking much more often...)