Friday, April 22, 2011

this will have to do for now...

hello everyone.  I am so sorry...I know I am seriously the world's worst blogger.  And I don't have the time at the moment to write the whole story down (I will, just can't do it right now.)  But I am very sorry to everyone who has been waiting and wondering. So here is the very, very quick version:

I was starting to feel kind of pregnant and then on Saturday, April 9th, I started bleeding.  Very much like a period.  I raced home to bedrest and went in Monday morning for an early beta hcg (pregnancy blood test.)  It came back at 67! Hooray- I was pregnant!  But the bleeding was NOT a good sign.  (Although a 67 was a really high beta for that early of a testing day, so that was a strong indication for multiples.) But over the next three days, all of my pregnancy symptoms went away.  Then a repeat beta test on Thursday came back at 6.  I had an early miscarriage.

I am disappointed, but like I said at the beginning:  if it is supposed to work, it will.  If it's not, it won't.

But it's not game over yet.  We did freeze embryos #2,3,&4. So now I am in the process of figuring out how to transfer our embies up here to Boise.  We are going to attempt a FET (frozen embryo transfer) here with our local  fertility clinic.  That way is so much less disrupting for my family, and I can keep more quiet about it.  (I am not going to even tell my girls unless it works.  Don't want to have to tell them again that the "babies are gone."  More about that later when I really update this blog.)

So there is the update for now.  Again, I will "flesh out" this whole story soon, just not today.


Marilyn Lewis said...

So sorry! I've been following your experience and was hoping for the twins!

Annie B said...

I was sad to read your latest update. It is strange how much science can do but also not do at the same time. I hope you are letting yourself feel whatever you need to feel right now and just taking care of yourself. It seems like if they can fly a single embryonic cell across the country for extensive DNA testing they can figure out how to transfer frozen emryos across state lines, right? I'm picturing an armored truck for some reason...

Amanda said...

So sorry to hear about your loss!!! Keep us posted on your next journey. It will work out if it is meant to be!

Laura said...

So sorry, dear friend. I want you to know that I am thinking of you and wishing you my love and support across the miles.

Jodi Jo said...

Sorry Livvy honey! Love you!