Friday, March 18, 2011

A Good Start

Today was my first "monitoring" appointment at RCC.  So that meant going in for a blood draw followed by an ultrasound.  I made sure to have the heater blasting in the car on the way down, (plus it was cold outside anyway!) so the blood draw went smoothly.  Then it was time for the ultrasound.  Today I had eight antral follicles on my right ovary, and three on my left.  So it looks like I have eleven total potential follicles.  (Which translates to a potential total of eleven eggs for this cycle.)  Wish it were a few more, but eleven is at least something to work with.  And the even better news:  my "uterine congestion" is all cleared up!!  He said my lining looked nice and thin, like  it was supposed to today.  So I still don't know what caused that congestion last time, but hooray that it is gone!!

So I start my stimulation meds tomorrow.  But Dr. Heiner told me that they have been working with a consultant to increase their pregnancy rates, so they are doing things a little bit differently this time around.  For one thing, they have added a steroid pill to the mix, which is supposed to help "beef up" the eggs or something.  Then last time, they started me off on a lower dose of Bravelle, and then as time went on (and I wasn't responding super well,) they kept upping the dose.  At the end, I was using five possibly six vials at a time.  But this time I am starting with the highest dose, and they will supposedly decrease it as I progress.  Also they are splitting the meds into two doses -- one in the morning and one at night.  So tomorrow I will make my drug cocktails using three vials of Bravelle in the morning and three vials at night.  This also doubles the amount of HCG as well.  It will just be interesting to see how my system reacts to the changes.  Before I was dubbed a "late bloomer," it will be very interesting to see if this new protocol changes things.  So stay tuned!

And one more thing...As we were heading down to Utah the girls finally asked me why we were going.  So I explained to both of them that a doctor was going to help Mommy and Daddy get another baby in Mommy's tummy.  Then I asked them if they wanted a baby brother or sister.  And both of them got really excited and said, "Oh! That would be so cute!!"  So today, they knew I was going to the doctor because they stayed home with Grandma.  So when I got home, Sophie came up to me and softly patted my tummy and said, "Is there a baby in there?"  It just melted me.  I told her that it would take some time but that I was trying.  Regardless of what I want, I really hope this works so that I can have the pleasure of telling my precious girls that yes, there IS a baby in Mommy's tummy!

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