Monday, March 21, 2011

Not much to report today.  Went in for another blood draw to monitor my estradiol level but I haven't heard back from them yet.  But I really think my ovaries have been hurting a little bit today.  (Which will be interesting if something is indeed happening already, since last time I went days with very little changing.  But this new protocol is supposed to work better, so...)  Wednesday I go in for a blood draw and another ultrasound.  That's when I will find out how many follicles look like they are starting to grow.  Will be interesting!


Annie B said...

Wait, are you in Utah for the sole purpose of IVF - no friends or family, just you and a hotel and doctors appointments? Because that doesn't sound too fun. I hope you're getting out and getting some sunshine and have enough to distract you from the needle pricks, test results and waiting!

Livvy said...


Sorry! I didn't realize I didn't explain that very well... I am in Utah right now only BECAUSE I am doing IVF, BUT my entire extended family lives here. So I am staying with my parents, sleeping in my old bedroom, and loving spending time with my siblings and their kids. So my mornings are full of needlepricks and ultrasounds, but the rest of my time is being spent as some wonderful quality time with my family. So no lonely hotels...lots of love and support. :)